All our activities are planned to meet the individual child’s developing needs and interests within the EYFS. There are opportunities to explore art and craft, role play, construction and physical play, both inside and outside. We have had a variety of specific training to offer woodwork, forest school and risk taking activities.
Our younger children also enjoy heuristic play and treasure baskets.
We have regular walks to local parks, the duck pond, stables and Nature Reserve.
We often have special events and outings including visits to The Natural History Museum, supporting our local Food Bank, our annual Christmas Tree outing and trips to our local school.
Jaws n claws animal experiences. often visit the nursery. This gives the children an opportunity to see a variety of animals, snakes, amphibians and insects to extend their knowledge of the World around them.
Each age group has a weekly Musical Bumps session.
This gives the children a chance to sing, dance and explore rhythms with instruments with a qualified leader.