We have been celebrating Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week.
Everyone has been wearing odd socks and we have been making salt dough sock decorations, sock pictures, playing matching the socks, reading sock stories and singing sock songs during our Musical Bumps sessions!
Why lots of socks?
This is an extract taken from the Downright Special website which explains it perfectly:
"This is a picture of chromosomes which some say look a little bit like pairs of socks.

Sometimes people have an extra ‘sock’ or chromosome and a person with Down's syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21 as you can see in the picture. That’s ok – it just means that some things a little harder for them. They are a little different but different is ok. People with Down syndrome learn, laugh, love, live and, just like the rest of us, sometimes also get cross, sad, dislike things, get uncomfortable being stared at and just want to join in with everyone else. Where children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities are given opportunities to join in, all children benefit from this and environments of friendship, acceptance, respect for everyone and high expectations are created.
Inclusive environments also help to prepare all today’s children for life as tomorrow’s adults, enabling adults with Down syndrome to live, work and join-in, with confidence and independence, fully included in society alongside their friends and peers."